Wednesday 26 December 2012

Die hard...

Poor bro, he unfortunately lost 3-2 today, he was sooo upset. I really couldn't bear seeing my brother like that, poor bug-a-boo :/
But I got to see Christian! :D though, I was a bit ill :/

Love y'all ❤

-Freja xx

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Well, this is awkward....

Hi guys :)

Sorry I haven't been so active these past days, but so many things has happened.
Liiiiike, I got a boyfriend, then we broke up yesterday, and he's already "dating" someone else, can you say plaaaaaayer!
Then there's been homework and brother sister issues, hah, me and Rasmus always has some issues, don't we?? ;)

Anywho, The Awkward Outsider has 1 years jubile Christmas morning, and I really look forward to that! :D

Until then my beloved nom nom'ers.

-Freja xx

Saturday 1 December 2012

Shine bright like a diamond!

FINALLY! My dad gave me his permission yesterday to go get a piercing! 
The piercing has been placed in my right ear, and I know for a certian, that, when mommy finds out about it, she will sure as hell throw a tantrum! But you know what?
 I actually don't care, I'm just really happy daddy gave his permission :)

Love y'all
Yours, Freja xx