Ayeeeeeee guys! How have you all been doing??
I am genuinely sorry for not posting in sooooooooooo long, and I feel absolutely horrible about it!
And I know that I promised you a blog post after my confirmation, but I just never got around to it... :/
I've been so mad at myself for not posting in so long! And me who thought that after getting my iPhone and installing blogger on it, I would blog more often! Hah, could I've been more wrong!
Anywho, I just wanna give you guys a resume of my life sine January :)
January: I was so excited for the new year and for my confirmation, and I actually went shopping for my confirmation dress the 17th of January, and the day after, I came back and bought it, even though my mom wanted me to pick another dress. (which just looked horrible!)
February: Finally February came around, and I was racing around like a lunatic in the street around Odense, looking for final touches to my confirmation decorations and ski underwear, now, it sounds quite strange to put these things together, but you'll hear more about the underwear in March ;)
Nothing much happened in February, except for my brothers 18 year old birthday, and my dads 45 year old, oh yeah, and my brother passed his driving test which officially meant, that he was now my driver! :)
March: Oh yeah, March, what a lovely month, and so many lovely memories of be, laying in the snow, trying to get up... :)
Yup, you didn't read wrong. I was on a school trip in March, a school trip to Norway, and let me tell, Norway is absolutely beautiful! But, we had to go across-country skiing, and what a bummer that was! The second day we were there or something, we had to ski down this hill, now the hill wasn't that steep, and I wanted to look a bit cool, so I just raced down the hill. It was going terrific, and all of a sudden, I'm laying in the snow, with my head down under and only my knees and feet sticking up with the skies on, what an embarrassing experience, but it really was a fun trip :)
(If you're just a teeny weeny bit curious about my trip to Norway, then click on this --> link, and you can see the video we made!
When we then got home (Yeah, March is a bit long, hmmm, what a crazy arse month) we had to prepare the rest of the things for my confirmation, and I also learned about the app kik by complete accident, which brings me to the one thing I couldn't wait for to tell..... I met a guy by accident there, cause he was supposed to write to somebody else, but instead, he wrote to me, he was a really sweet boy, and we got to learn a lot about each other. (His name is Maurice) We wrote everyday, and we even skyped a few times, but in the end, I was apparently just a rebound to him, thanks mate, for telling me, well, after two months of talking, skyping and stuff, didn't affect at all, nope. (please do notice the sarcasm)
April: aaaah, April, the month of my confirmation, what a hectic month, jeez, I myself had to go to three or four confirmations that month, before I celebrate have my own... Well, nothing really did happen that month except for the confirmation thing.... it probably just makes up for the March chapter ;)
May: May is typically the month were summer starts for real, yeeeeeah, not in Denmark, it was still so cold in Denmark, that some were still wearing their winter coats, what a lovely country I live in..... not -.-
See? that's why I can't wait till I move, goooooood, only four years more, oh yeah, it was here in May that it dawned on me, that one of me best mates was really moving country. (Even tho I knew since March) And I'm sure you know her, cause I tend to write about her a lot, but if you don't, it's Lotte from: and please, do give her blog a visit, it would a lot to me, and definitely her too :)
June: and finally I reached June. Not much has been going on in this month, apart from me finding out that my cousin from my Fathers side (Mikkel, 23 years old) was actually dating my cousin from my mothers side (Signe, 16 years old) I was a bit shocked at first, then I just got angry at Mikkel, cause, HELLU, there's an age gap on 7 years between them! Now I know age is just a number (not really, cause it's actually a word....?) but it just don't seem right, besides, what will I do when they break up, which side should I take if they end up not standing each other?? That's a mystery for the future. As long as she is happy, then so am I, but if he hurt her, he shall expect me by his bed at night with my old baseball bat :D
I will be posting very soon again, don't worry guys, hopefully on Tuesday or Wednesday, with a video actually, of me singing a cover med a complete random person that I will pick out of a crowd.... :O
And now I will end this post with some pictures from each month (Or most of them) and a song cover by my favorite band ATM, The Vamps, who I was introduced to, by Lotte, what an amazing gal :D

The view from the opera house in Oslo

In the church, with med friends! :)
Well, that was all for today, see you guys soon!
Love ya ❤
-Freja xx
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