Saturday 28 February 2015

When I lost it, Yeah you held my hand, But I tossed it, Didn't understand

Hey guys! Long time no see, huh? 

Sorry I haven't posted much, this year has just been extremely overhelming so far and we're only 3 months into it for gods sake.

So, I do have some good news for you, or, well, for me... After my last post in november I started thinking about everything, if the life that I've always told myself I wanted to have, if it really is the life I wish for or if it's something that I've just assumed was what I wanted because I was told so... And it made me think and put a lot of things into perspective, I mean, the footprints I'm going to leave in this world may not be that big (I mean, with a size 3 uk it's quite limited) but that doesn't mean I shouldn't choose where I get to leave them. Because it's not the size of the footprint that matters, it's the thought, meaning and story behind the print that matters. Don't worry, I'm not becoming som sort of nun who's going to live in no-mans land, has no access to the internet or anything similar to that. I am going to the states next year, and I am going to be living with a lovely little family in Jacksonville, FL. And honestly? I just can't wait. 

Back in november I'm not quite sure what came over me, it may have been the harsh words from a woman I've known 2/3 of my life or the thoughts of leaving my loved ones behind that made me reconsider my choiches in life, but I can now see that I wasn't ready to loose myself and what I stand for just because some stupid old hag didn't agree with my decisions, not that ever should be. 

I've struggled my whole life with trying to find out who I am and what I wanted to achieve with my life, and I think the reason I've struggled with this is because I've let people tell me who I am, who I should become and what goals I would and wouldn't be able to achieve and I just think that the people around us these days often has such a strong opinion about others that we let it influence us way too much... wow, shit just got real deep, didn't it...? Well, my point with this incredibly long ramble is that for far too long I've tried to shame myself for wanting to do different things that the people around me wanted for me or wanted me to do, and I'm finally learning to accept that, no, I'm not perfect nor are my desicions, but they are my desicions, and it's me who shall make them, not others, and the same goes for you. 

                                                                 Until next time,
                                                                      -Freja xx

Saturday 22 November 2014

And you're miles away And yesterday you were here with me

Hey you guys! How are you all doing?? I know it's been a long time since my last post, but I just really need to get some stuff of off my chest and to be honest, this is the only place I could think of.

So, if you know me personally or just, know me, you'll know that next year I'm moving to the states. It's something that I'm extremely excited about and I just can't wait, new adventures, new friends and new experiences, but lately I've started to second guess my decision about moving to the states next year. Not because I don't want to go, I'm just unsure if I can handle it emotionally. I mean, I'm leaving my big brother, my "sister", my sister in law, my mom and dad, my grandparents and all of my friends and I just don't know if I'm ready to leave all that, all of them. To be honest with you guys, I've been bawling my eyes out every night these past two months. Also, I just celebrated my birthday today, which of course means, family get together, yeah well, seeing as my bestie Lizette is like a sister to me and her family is practically my family as well I invited them. So here in Denmark we have this kind of tradition that when your friends becomes legal, you give them condomes, obviously. So I of course expected to get a load of condoms from her, but instead she came through my front door with a humongous square wrapped in wrapping paper, and when I had gotten the wrapping paper off, I realised that it was a huge frame, a frame with loads and loads of pictures of me and her through out the years, and it just touched my heart. And she was like, I know about the tradition, but I thought I'd make you this instead, so you could take it with you to the US... And just then it downed on me, I'll have to leave this girl next year, a girl I've known since my diaper years. And now I feel kind of stuck, should I stay at home and not go to America or should I embrace the new experience?? I'm so confused and torn and I just, I don't even know anymore...
Haha, sorry about my ramble, I just needed to get that of off my chest.

                                                                 Until next time,
                                                                      -Freja xx

Tuesday 26 August 2014

If you like Piña coladas, getting caught in the rain

Hello lovelies! How are you guys?? feels like I haven't posted in such a long time!

Okay, so I'll just give you guys a quick update on my life!
I have started 9th grade!!!!! It's my last fucking year, and then I'll be moving away, to another country even! =O
So, summers over, School has started, girl trouble, new students in my class, and in 14 days, I'll be overseas (UK) with the school tho, but that doesn't matter, cause I'm going to have a sick trip! In two days I'm going to Tivoli, which is going to be fucking awesome as well.
Okay, so here is the juicy details about my summer....

 Summer loving had me a blast,
 oh yeah
Summer loving happened so fast,
I met a girl crazy for me,
Met a boy cute as can be

Yes, that's right, I had a summer romance/fling/hook-up whatever you wanna call it. His name was Harry, and I met him while sunbathing by the pool in Lanzarote (my home). He was cute, nice and all in all, a proper gentleman, he didn't give the gimps by the pool a second look, later, tho, I found out that he was quite a possessive man, something I can't always stand, sure it's cute in the start, but as it goes on, and starts getting serious, it just annoys the hell out of me, especially when it's only a summer fling, I mean, we're not exactly married, so I broke it off when I got back to Denmark. So if you're reading this, sorry, but what did you expect? 

I think I have bored you more than enough now ;)
sorry about that, but anyway, I'll see you guys real soon!

Until next time!
-Freja xx

Thursday 10 April 2014

Light's gone, day's end, Struggling to pay rent

Hi guys! I know what you must think, why the hell is she posting so late at night? Well, that's because it's the only spare time I've had today. But I just wanted to let everything out, cause there is so many small things that bothers me right now, firstly, everybody seems to be sooo pissed at me all the time, I kid you not, Caroline almost hit me in the face yesterday, and tbh, I'm getting quite pissed myself, cause why the hell do I let these people walk all over me? I have no clue, and it's not because I'm a pushover if anything I'm the quite opposite of a pushover. And now I'm not sure if I'm just imagining it, but every time I try and tell people how I feel, and if I have any problems I wanna share with a friend to hear her opinion about it, or simply because I just need someone to comfort me and to tell me that everything will be just fine,it just seems like they really don't give a flyin' rats ass about it, but as soon as they're the one having some personal troubles they come to me as if they were moth, and I, a big and bright light bulb. Half the time, I'm extremely happy that I'll be leaving for the US in only a year, because, then I don't have to take this crap anymore, and the other half I'm dreading it, and I have absolutely no clue as to why, cause it's gonna be such an amazing experience. Haha, I'm such a rambling mess :) I promise I'll get my act together by tomorrow, don't worry, then you won't have to read about all of this rambling ;)

Until next time!
-Freja xx

Monday 7 April 2014

And i find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad

Hi guys! How have you been?
It's feels like I haven't written in forever, and tbh, I kinda need it.
I'm not sure what it is, but I've just felt really down lately. Almost every night I've went to bed, bawling my eyes out, and the worst part of it? I don't why! I guess I just found comfort in being able to just let all of my problems out with the tears and the sobs, even if just for a second. I don't know why my brain comes up with all these problems, cause things are actually running quite smoothly. It's frustrating to just go around with all of this coped up inside of you, cause I don't really feel I want to trouble my friends with these stupid problems, when a lot of them are dealing with their own problems, such as stress, "divorce" and lots and lots of other stuff, and compared to that, I guess I just don't find my problems as important. I mean, I was always known as the adviser in the group, and I still am, you know, the one you come to if you've had problems and you want to hear someones opinion about, or if you just need a friend who will agree with you or just comfort you until you throw up, and I guess when you get such an important role, in such a small group, it just becomes second nature to ignore your own problems. But I just feel like I need someone to discuss this with, someone who won't start complaining about how bad things are at home, what I REALLY need, is a friend who will just listen. Now don't misunderstand, I love all of my friends, and a lot of them are great listeners, but I just feel like my problems would be nothing compared to their problems, and I'd feel like a selfish bitch whinning about something so small and pathetic compared to the things they have to endure everyday.

It's was nice getting all of this of off me chest.

Until next time!

Thursday 27 February 2014

Sunshine she’s here, you can take a break

Yes, spring is now upon us! Which means one thing,and one thing only.... The sun and warmth is coming back, which means that soon, people will soon be out and about in shorts (with tights underneath... hopefully) And do you think I can wait? Of course not! I absolutely love wearing shorts, and to me, it really doesn't matter that I don't have those "perfect" hipster legs with the thigh gap, cause I'm HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY with myself!

And to be honest... I already have the PERFECT outfit in mind, the outfit I shall wear on the first proper spring day, which actually is this Saturday! It’s my most beloved shorts, the one with the beads and sequins, those from Zara! Then, Imma pair them with my black basic spaghetti strap t-shirt, my white Abercrombie & Fitch hoodie, and my beloved toms! :)I may not be a fashion guru, but I do think that those four things will look quite good together… or at least I hope so.

Also, I have decided that I will improve my life and my way of living, starting from the 1st of March! This includes; doing my homework as soon as I get home, train at least one hour and a half, go to bed before 11:15 pm and last, but definitely not least, find a job. Encouragement and inspiration is the only way forward, so if I ever lose any of those, please, do not hesitate, tweet me, write a comment to me or snap me to keep going, and I promise you, I will!

(My twitter is @FrejaGade and my snapchat is Le_shortcake)

Love Y'all!
-Freja xx

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Another Year Gone By


Hi guys! 

I'm sorry I haven't posted since the 9th of September, but I do have some pretty good reasons. :)

Anyway! It's almost Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiistmas!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I literally can't wait, I'm just that excited! Aren't you? 

Phew, this year has been crazy, and gone so fast! I mean, there has happened A LOT!

         I went to Norway skiing with my friends

 I was confirmed

 I had an awesome summer!

 My brother got a girlfriend, and I got a new friend

       I visited Britain for the first time ever

I got an awesome opportunity to work with professional movie people.
I was casted  as an actor in the movie, and got to do the filming and editing of the behind the scenes movie!

 My life has been crazy, weird and a bit of a mess this past year, but hey, good and bad go hand in hand.
 And I know that it's a bit early with this blog post, but I mad it anyway, because I'm not sure if I'll be able to post a new blog post before the new year, but if I have the time, then I'll throw up a post the 15th :)

Until then! :)

 Love Y'all!
-Freja xx