Tuesday 3 September 2013

Many days fell away with nothing to show

Hi guys!

I literally feel like shit.
I am so sorry that I haven't updated you guys in soooooo long, and I shouldn't try and excuse it but you need to know why I have been absent, cause everything has changed, absolutely everything!

My cousins, the one who's dating my other cousin, and the one who accompanied me to Lanzarote, has moved into our house, after "running"  away from home, which I can understand fully, but it just fill so much right now, since it's only been a week, so I can't promise that I'll post regularly, but I'll definitely try :)

On a whole other note.... I'm going to London this Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I will of course update you about my trip, and I just may give you a blog post while there ;)
But if I don't find the time for that, you can always follow me around on my twitter: FrejaGade
That's actually all I had for you today, but there will be more, very soon, don't you guys worry ;)

Love Y'all!
-Freja xx

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