Wednesday 19 September 2012

Bra less...

OMG! I am oh so sorry for not writing, in like, five million ages! :O

I am sooo sorry 'bout it, I've been really busy this last week. Mostly it has been family issues I had to deal with, but also, a lot of homework to do... 7th grade isn't so fun as I imagined it to be xD

Buuuuut, now I've apologized to you guys I will move on to the next topic.

Ma "new" bra! :D
so I got my "new" bra in this luxury box! :D Isn't it a cute one?? :D

And this is how it look. :) It's a sweet little bra from marksandspencer that I've upgraded with some studs from a little shop here in Denmark called Panduro :)

Just a little closer so you guys can see the cool studs ;)

It was sooooo nice to write to you again. You guys know I love ya, right?? :D
I really don't know what to do without you guys! 

-Freja xxx


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