Monday 10 September 2012


Soooooooooooooooo, my weekend has been very epic! :D

Okay, shall I begin from the start?? I take the silence as a BIG yes! :D

Okay. My weekend started rather bad cause I woke up by someone yelling at me, it was my brother! -.- But the yelling wasn't the reason to my head ache, nope, the reason for that little crime rider thing was me. :I
(I slammed my head into the ground last weeks Friday, but enough about the negative things. :D
Then I decided I wanted a totally "Be fat" day, so I took my bike, and was off to my friend Lizette's house. After picking little innocent Z up, we rode to the grocery store, and found a cart to have all our things in, but, um, we actually didn't use it for that, we used it as a racer car/cart, and we were very close to get thrown out off there :I bBut luckly, we didn't! :D

After that, we went to blockbuster rented Bad Teacher and Dirty Dancing  ---->

We also bought some Ben & Jerry's and some cookies! :D

Now that was a little of my awesome weekend, tell me about yours, what have YOU done this weekend??

-Freja xx

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