Monday 13 August 2012

Bonjour my Dah-lings :D

Bonjour, Bonjour and all the way up there! :D

Are you guys have a good time?? Cause I sure as hell don't! My mom is soooo stressing! She keeps yelling at me, she keeps telling me too eat more, she keeps telling me too clean up my new room (which is a REALLY amazing room!) But, tomorrow I will heat back to school :'( Yup, today is my last freedoms day, and I spent it on nothing in particular, ay wait, I actually did something, I had The Simpsons marathon with my big brother, oh, how I love my big brother! :D

What so ever :)

Today is the one year anniversary for the little scar on my hand, the one my ex-boyfriend gave me...
I know it's a bit weird too post about it, but there have been a lot of my friends, and friends friends, that has keep asking me about it, and everytime I get the same reaction. Shock or apologizes, so now I just wanna spill the bean :)

It was my ex-boyfriend that gave me that scar, and he did it with an broken flute :)

I hope your summer was or still is (depends which country your from ;D) better than mine :)

Leave a comment for me and I'll be more than happy too answer ;)

-Freja xx

Oh yeah, btw, I will put a contest up were you can win something, the winner will be announced in one of the next posts :) The contest is consists of you finding my new blog name :)

write your proposals for the new blog name and the prize that the winner will get :D

Must Love Find You 

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