Monday 6 August 2012

Ello Bitchaaaaaaaas! :D

Hello Nom nom'ers! :D

I am so, so, sooooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't posted any posts with text but they blog has been hacked, and the hacker thought it would be oh, so fun to put a new layout on the blog! It wasn't fun at all, because, the new layout wouldn't accept any of my post i wrote for you guys. I'm truly sorry about it, and some of you have complained to me about it, I will try to make it up to you guys and write a lot more to you.
I will also inform you guys  about some changes that will take place here on the blog.

1 - The Awkward outsider won't excist anymore, because, I want to give my blog a new name, my resons for this is some personal but if you know me you can ask me on facebook of course, but I won't write about here :)

2 - The layout will probably change a lot because, I'm not really satisfied with it :)

3 - I will write a looooooot but not to much because I'm starting in 7th grade now so I will get a lot of homework to do, besides, I'm started to write a story that I will put on wattpad when I'm half finished with it :)

4 - There will be a lot more of fashion post :)

That's praticular everything from now, I'll write soon Luuuuuuuuv ya! 

-Freja xx


  1. You forgot to say that I was the reason you figured out how to write on your blog. :O

  2. Oh,I'm sooooooooo sorry Ott :o

    Yeah, everybody, Ott was the reason why I can write to you again, so go, and check her super cool blog out, you won't regret it! :D
