Saturday 6 October 2012

Tally Ho Toddlers! ;D

Hi guys, I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a long time but I sure as a holy granolie bar want to change that ;D
Sooo, yesterday I was having a super day off with my sweet little bestie Lizette AKA Z or Zette :) Me and her ;) ---->

But it was such a crappy weather, you know, pouring down from the heavens it's windy and so on and so on, but all in all we had a SUPER funny and comfy day together.

We had a lovely cup of warm cocoa -->

And a "bowl" of Nachos :D -->

After that we went out into the pouring rain and made some videos! xD
They were sooooo funny! After that we went into almost every shop in town to look for clothes to each other and then try them on, it was hilarious! xD

After our little town trip we were supposed to go to the skate hall and enjoy ourselfs out there till 10 pm but unfortunately she apparently had to go to a church camp... o.O

Don't ask me why cuz' I have no freakin' idea why....

Now, that was everything I had to share with you sweet nom nom'ers that keeps visiting my blog although I don't write as much as I should in here, so thanks for that :)

Love y'all

-Freja xx

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