Monday 18 June 2012

Crappy weather won't stop my friends from playing rounders! xD

Yeah, today started as a lovely day, the sun was shinning the sky were blue and we had a few fleecy clouds, so it was lovely! :D
But suddenly the sky turned into a gray colour and the rain started to fall, now i sound like a roman writer xD

But seriously, my friends we're soaked, it was so fun to see! xD

And they also gave me a "BIG" hug so i were also a bit wet, but not so much as they were xD
Hahah, it was such a weird day xD
Oooh, I was also at the dentist today, bwad, they are a bit creepy :o
But the most important thing I had done the hole day is........... Eating granny's pancakes, mmmm, so delicious! :D

I hope your day was a bit better than mine?? :D


Here's the wet girls aww, they're so cute.....Not xD


  1. Maybe your right, maybe you're adorable, nah, only when you soaked xD
