Wednesday 20 June 2012

OMG, I'm sooooo sorry!

Hey Guys! :D

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry that I haven't posted so much these few days, but I've been really busy, I need to do my homework, and I'm writing a storie for wattpad, and I've just cried so much lately, only because of this asshole, that's ignoring me, (he's my little flirt and I'm he's little flirt) but... but.... it's so hard to go through this. And I've been through it before, and last time, no one helped me, and neither does anyone this time. D': I'm also started to starving myself againg, and everything that can go wrong, goes wrong! The only light, in this dark side of my life, is my friends, and my idols. They keep motivating me, and it's really nice to know, that you always have them, to talk things through, but no one, kinda know about my "relationship" to food, I'm kinda glad for that, but it also depress me a lot, but fortunately, I'm started to eat a bit normal again, and that cheer's me up a bit! :D

But I gotta go, homework again =/


-Freja :) xx

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