Monday 25 June 2012

Cry baby, cry...

Sooooooooo, as of late, I've really been out in the ropes, I've just cried my self in sleep almost every night, because of everything, just.... everything, this guy, and then an old friend there is now dumping me, and then there's my family.... I really don't know if they care about me anymore, I can tell, my brother does, but it look like he's the only one, he's asking in to my eating habits, I mean, sometime it's quite annoying, but it's also nice to know that there really are people out there, that care about me, and I'm really sorry I haven't write in a few days, but it's such a hard period for me right now, and I don't really know why, everything is just going in the wrong direction for me, and it doesn't seem fair, but fortunately One Direction is there for me once again, and I can't help, but just cry when I hear their voice's and song's, right now it seems to be the only thing that's helping me right now, cause none of my friends here in Denmark doesn't really know anything about it, well, not so far as i know, only one of my friends know about it, but she can't help me that much, when she's living in Honduras =/
Sorry that I'm sharing my bad mood with you, but it's just so nice to talk about it, with no-one judging me, I gotta go now, see ya soon my small nom nom nom'ers :)

-Freja :D xx

A promise is forever, so is love♥

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